Our projects display our capabilites in residential and commmercial site development, foundations, excavation, road construction, and specialty construction such as sewer, water, utilies, and drainage projects.
SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES: Dodd Middle School Canton Junior/Senior High School Bleachers Sheehan High School New Britain High School Additions River St. School Fire Line Replacement New Britain High Alt. Behavior Center Bloomfield High School, Phase II Oxford High School Carmen Arace Middle School New Social Science: West Building Fairfield University Residence Quad Wesleyan University Film Studies HEALTH CARE FACILITIES: Veterans Hospital Water Main Coventry Group Home Jerome Home Elim Park Baptist, Wellness Center VA Adult Care Facility ConnectiCare Renovation Project Natchaug Hospital Triad Healthcare |
COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTIAL Panera Bread, Westfield Shopping Mall Patco Gas Station Costco Intel Motion System Site Work Renovations Sovereign Bank Photovoltaic Cell Installation Turbojet Fuel Supply Perry Technology Building Middletown Nissan BPT Innovation Center Advance Auto Parts Men’s Warehouse Ameripride Service PLACES OF WORSHIP First Church of Windsor Elim Park Baptist, Bethel Place Chapel Farmington Ave. Baptist Church MUNICIPAL AND GOVERNMENT WORK Somers Correctional-Somers US Rte 7 South Sanitary Sewe |
Woodbridge Fire/Police Interconnect Institute for the Hispanic Family V.A Existing Ball Field Improvements Anderson Recreation Center Project Clear Trees - VA Adult Care Woodbridge Fire Station Project Manson Youth Correctional Institution Avon Town Hall The Views Area Roads Roadway Drainage - Powder Hill Road Repair and Re-pave Driveway Roadway Drainage Improvements State & Sanford St Pump Stations Dillon Stadium Burlington Fish Hatchery Archives One BROADCAST STUDIOS NBC Channel 30 Studios ESPN Green Alternate Project ESPN Building C ESPN Building 3A ESPN Building 2 Security up Grades |
ESPN Teleport Project EPSN Cafeteria Expansion EPSN Bridge Connector EPSN Café Restrooms ESPN Building 5-Canopy Addition ESPN –Building 2 ROADS AND HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS Wilders Pass Road Arlington Road Buckingham Estates Kensington Road - Buckingham Estates Grand family Housing Whispering Woods Condo Goodwin, Fenwick, Buckingham Roads New Road Reconstruction Kensinginton lot # 1 thru 26 Fenwick Drive lots #1 thru 30 Buckingham Estates lot #1 thru 33- Powder Hill Lots 1 Thru 26 Churchill Place |